Orange County and Los Angeles Mediators/Attorneys for the Best Options
What’s a paternity case?
In California family law, a “paternity case” means a legal case between people who were never married, but have a child together. Although these parents don’t have issues of community property and spousal support - since they were never married - they face all of the child-related issues faced by divorcing parents, such as: How do we share custody and visitation of our child? How do we share in the decision making responsibilities? Should child support be paid? How much? How about other expenses, like medical, child care, and educational and extracurricular expenses? What do we do during holidays? What if one of use moves away? Sometimes there’s also the added issue of who is a child’s father or parent.
These are all important issues. You and your child deserve a healthy outcome, reached through a respectful process.
Helping parents through paternity actions
Parenting is a mixed bag. Anyone who’s cared for a newborn can attest to that!
Legally too, being a parent means having rights, but also responsibilities.
Whatever the issues or challenges, we’re committed to helping you achieve a resolution that works. Through the informed, open and supported processes of Mediation or Collaborative Resolution, you can make legal agreements with your child’s other parent. Those agreements are written into a legal document signed by the parties. Once filed and signed by a judge, that document becomes a legally binding order, just as if you went to court.
Instead of dealing with the anxiety and stress of being in a courtroom, the Mediation and Collaborate Resolution processes help you reach an agreement that focuses on your child’s well-being.
When you resolve your differences amicably, you and your co-parent lay the groundwork for more positive future interactions with each other. Being co-parents isn’t always easy. A commitment to peaceful resolution can benefit you and your child for years to come.
Contact Us
If you have questions, call us, the mediators/attorneys of Hammers & Baltazar Family Law, for knowledgeable and experienced guidance and assistance.
We work with our clients remotely by Zoom or in person.
Our West Los Angeles/Santa Monica office is conveniently located at Wilshire and Bundy. Our Costa Mesa/Newport Beach office is located off the 55 Fwy at Newport Blvd. and Victoria.
Feel free to contact us in Los Angeles/Santa Monica at 310-458-0796 or our Costa Mesa/Newport Beach office at 949-631-2805.