Grandparents Rights Attorney | Hammers & Baltazar from Hammers & Baltazar on Vimeo.
This is Hammers & Baltazar’s sixty seconds of Family Law. Got a minute?
Hello, I’m Barbara Hammers and I’m gonna talk about grandparents’ rights.
Often after a divorce or death of a child, issues arise regarding grandparents’ access to their grandchildren.
Did you know that if your child has died and the other parent denies you access to your grandchildren you can ask the family court to make orders so that you can see them?
Grandparents are close to their grandchildren and a strong relationship exists. It would be very detrimental to those grandchildren to be deprived of their grandparents.
Grandparents are often the only link a child has to their deceased parent.
Courts can intervene under certain circumstances.
Anyone facing this situation should seek out competent legal counsel to assist them in securing their rights to see their grandchildren.
You may have rights regarding your grandchildren that you are not aware of.
This family law minute is brought to you by Hammers & Baltazar Family Law.
I’m Barbara Hammers, thank you for watching.
See more family law facts on our blog at www.family-law-authority.com.
Click here if you are interested in talking with a grandparents rights attorney.