8154 Hammers ChildSupport V2-original from Hammers & Baltazar on Vimeo.
Video Transcription:
This is Hammers & Baltazar’s sixty seconds of Family Law. Got a minute?
Hello, I’m Barbara Hammers and I’m gonna talk about child support.
Child support in California must be paid based on the standard of living of both parents.
The court uses a formula for calculating the amount of child support based on each parent’s income and the amount of time they spend with the child.
What most people don’t know is that child support can be more or less than the calculated guideline.
The guideline amount is usually correct, but if one person has no income and lives lavishly on money they have, the court can deviate from that guideline and order more support.
On the other hand, if a person has certain expenses like medical needs or phantom income from a partnership, the court can deviate from the guideline and order less support.
If you have one of these special circumstances, and there are others, keep that in mind when asking for or defending against child support.
This family law minute is brought to you by Hammers & Baltazar Family Law.
I’m Barbara Hammers, thank you for watching.
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